Patients Know Best

What is PKB? 

PKB is a secure online tool, cre­at­ed by a patient and doc­tor to help patients man­age their health.

It is a patient-con­trolled record, mean­ing patients can always see who has access to their infor­ma­tion, and they can choose to share with who they wish (for exam­ple GP, fam­i­ly, carers).

Clin­i­cal teams have access to the records of their patients, and can inter­act with them out­side of the tra­di­tion­al care set­tings. For exam­ple, mes­sag­ing from home.

How can I use PKB? 

All you need is a con­nec­tion to the inter­net and an email address. You can access PKB on any phone, tablet, or com­put­er that can access the internet.

There is noth­ing to down­load, you just need to go to the secure web­site and log in to your account.

You will have been sent a let­ter at the same time as your first appoint­ment. This let­ter explains how to sign up.

Please note: If you have lost your let­ter, the recep­tion team at the BCU can invite you using your email address.


How is PKB used with­in the Vir­tu­al Ambu­lance service 

Mes­sag­ing — Allow­ing you to mes­sage your psy­chother­a­pist for advice. You can send a mes­sage at any time, and the team will get back to you as soon as they can.

Care Plans – A place to record an action plan which you care share with your care teams.

Library – You will find a library which con­tains many dif­fer­ent use­ful resources, such as videos about your health and care, web­sites, and hos­pi­tal maps.


The Breast Care team have cre­at­ed a use­ful resource library for you. Here, you can find use­ful videos, links to web­sites, hos­pi­tal maps and much more.  To view the library, click ‘Treat­ments’ and then ‘Library’.

View­ing discussions 

Click the ‘Events & mes­sages’ but­ton to view your con­ver­sa­tions with the Nurse.

You can also see let­ters from the Breast Care Unit in this area.